


人气:70 作者:锐硕传动机械 发表时间:2023-10-10 10:44:34

这里说的45#钢指联轴器材质,膜片为304不锈钢,316不锈钢等等。 膜片联轴器远销国外赢得认可。其常见型号规格有JM型,JMJ型,另一种说法是JM单膜片型,JMJ双膜片型等。每个地区对其认识叫法不同。

初步选定的膜片联轴器联接尺寸,即轴孔直径d和轴孔长度L,应符合主、从动端轴径的要求,否则还要根据轴径d调整联轴器的规格。 主、从动端轴径不相同是普通现象,当转矩、转速相同,主、从动端轴径不相同时,应按大轴径选择联轴器型号。新设计的传动系统中, 应选择符合GBT3852中规定的七种轴孔型式,推荐采用J1型轴孔型式,以提高通用性和互换性,轴孔长度按膜片联轴器产品标准的规定对于膜片联轴器性能及应用这里就不过多赘述了,对于很多厂家帮助选型中,大部分选用膜片联轴器也是因为如此: 膜片联轴器采用很薄的金属膜片作为弹性元件,角向和轴向刚度低,因而附加轴向力和附加弯矩很小。由于齿式联轴器齿面可相对滑移,所以人们往往觉得齿式联轴器能够补偿 大的角向和轴向不对中,而不会给机组附加影响。事实上,这种想法是错误的。 弹性膜片联轴器在受载后由于摩擦和两轴的不对中会对轴和轴承产生很大的附加轴向力和附加弯矩。膜片联轴器
45 # steel elastic diaphragm coupling model specifications
Here refers to the coupling of 45 # steel material, diaphragm for 304 stainless steel,316 stainless steel and so on.
Diaphragm coupling exported to win recognition abroad. The common specifications areJM, JMJ, is another way of saying that JM single diaphragm type, JMJ doubleDiaphragm type, etc. Each region different understanding of the term.

Preliminary selected diaphragm coupling dimensions, namely the axle hole diameter d andlength of the shaft hole, L should conform to the requirements of the main, driven enddiameter of axle, otherwiseAlso according to the diameter of axle d adjustment of the specifications of thecoupling.
Master and slave side different diameter of axle is a normal phenomenon, when the sametorque and rotational speed, the main, driven end diameter of axle is not same, shouldchoose by large diameter of axle
Choose the coupling model. The new design of transmission system, should choose toconform to that stipulated in the GBT3852 seven shaft hole type, J1 is recommended forthe typeShaft hole pattern, in order to improve the versatility and interchangeability, therules of the shaft hole length by diaphragm coupling product standardPerformance and the application for diaphragm coupling here but many here,For many manufacturers to help in the selection, most choose diaphragm coupling is alsobecause of this:
Diaphragm coupling with thin metal film as the elastic element, angular and axialstiffness is low, additional axial force and the additional bending moment isconsequentlySmall. Relative slip due to the coupling tooth surface can be, so people tend to thinkof coupling can compensate large angular and axial don'tFor them, and not give additional effects unit. In fact, this idea is wrong.
Flexible diaphragm coupling after loading wrong because of friction and two axis willbe much on the shaft and bearing additional axial force and the additional bendingmoment.